My journey

Mission : to Heal others


 Aura and chakra reading

My spiritual awakening started in 1995 during a  course of

aura and chakra reading with Ronald van de Peppel.

It was a bridge to connect with the world of our energetical bodys.

I completed IN 2010 a 3 year course with Ronald van de Peppel.

 Energy healing & Reiki

I received my Reiki 1-2°grade in 2011-2012 from Reiki Master Monique Francken.

She gave initiation and attunement of the Reiki channel to the light.

She learned the use of reiki symbols and hand positioning.

Hand healing is a natural gift and mission.

Alba Weinman opened In 2020 my hart in a introspective hypnosis.

  Receavng energy uploads I got through to heal people and being gifted hand healing.

  Channel Vicky  Garcia confirmed I was urged by my guides to start

my natural Pleiadian starsead gifts.

In 2021 I renewed my Reiki grades 1-2° and receaved the holy master teacher Reiki grade with Dipti Jakatdar



Introspective hypnosis

Antonio Sangio and Alba Weinman  have brought spiritual

development by introspective hypnosis.

I followed 2days and a session with Alba Weinman

I completed a zoom week course in 2020 and a life week course in IH with Antonio Sangioin in 2021 :

The technique covers:

  • Ericksonian hypnosis
  • Forgiveness therapy
  • Role change
  • Past life regression
  • Spirit assistance also called Spirit Releasement
  • Emotional healing
  • Soulwork: after death and before conception -  core belief, blame, karma
  • bodywork: work with illness, pain, body organ issues
  • Healing abuse. proces traumas, releasing repressed emotions.

  Regression & Reincarnation therapy

  Interest in regression arose following the course in reincarnation

with Charlotte Muthesius.

I graduated a three year course with Charlotte Muthesius.

Charlotte Muthesius from Bonn Germany followed from 1987 her education in Dr. Morris Netherthon reïncarnation therapy, USA. She has treated thousants of clients with amazing results.

The technique covers:

  • motional healing
  • Soulwork: after death and before conception -  core belief, blame, karma
  • bodywork: work with illness, pain, body organ issues
  • Healing abuse. proces traumas, releasing repressed emotions.